Organizational Politics for ethical leadershipOrganizational Politics for ethical leadership

Organizational Politics .org

Developing Ethical Leadership for Corporate and Career Advancement




Case Study



“Politics is how interests and influence play out in an institution.”
- Benjamin Franklin


“When you mix people and power, you get politics.”
- Winston Churchill


“Politics is the art of getting things done.”
- Harry Truman


“The operational definition of Political Savvy is ethically building a critical mass of support for an idea you care about.”
- Joel R. DeLuca, Ph.D.


“Important changes that are shaping the nature of work in today's complex organizations demand that we become more sophisticated with respect to issues of leadership, power, and influence.”
- John P. Kotter, Power and Influence


“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
Lord Acton


“Management is itself a political activity.”
Jeffrey Pfeffer, Power in Organizations


Organizational Politics research findings for coporate performance

Organizational Politics

Overcoming Organizational Politics can be done by anyone using the right methods and attitudes. You don't need special skills to excel in your organization, or to have your employees create a win-win situation for the corporation and themselves. The line of books, seminars, and other products for the Political Savvy Advantage™ are based on decades of research across many industries and countries. These Breakthrough Findings from the Most Extensive Real World Knowledge Base in Corporate America are summarized below.

Career Going Nowhere

Don't be discouraged by Organizational Politics!
Learn how to influence without authority and advance in your career and your organization ... ethically!

Climbing up the corporate ladder or acheiving career success

Compiling over 2 decades of research and real life studies of organizational behavior across many industries and world cultures, Dr. DeLuca shares his findings of how anyone can increase their success with the right techniques and attitude without sacrificing values or ethics.

Organizational and Career Success

Benefits of the Political Savvy Advantage™:

Political Savvy provides you 2-3 times* the likelihood for career success indicators such as:
  • Bonuses
  • Merit Increases
  • Choice Assignments
  • Promotions
  • Career Satisfaction

*As shown in our extensive real world research.

Accelerating Career Success to get Bonuses and other rewards

Political Savvy has always been the hidden side of leadership. The relentless onslaught of rapid change alters the very nature of organizations. These conditions further politicize business and Political Savvy emerges as an indispensable aspect of leadership, organizational and career success is now accessible to anyone.

Using the Political Savvy Advantage™

The Political Savvy Advantage™ is grounded in the hard facts of today’s business realities. Technical expertise is necessary but often not sufficient for success in business. Fortunately, you don’t have to sell your soul to get ahead. In fact, despite those locked into a negative stereotype of organizational politics, mastering organizational politics is a crucial aspect of leadership. The sad fact is how so many intelligent people don’t understand how acting ethically can actually increase their influence. It provides ‘shark repellent’ to avoid becoming victimized by organizational politics. Political Savvy also works with top leadership levels to turn competitive turf wars into collaborative teamwork. It also provides a way to create a realistic productive culture in ever changing global competitiveness.

Preparing for organizational politics and career successNegative organizational politics hampers creativity, productivity, fairness, motivation, teamwork, and a host other critical issues that almost everybody knows but is not allowed to speak about in the official hierarchy. Consequently, business politics is driven underground where people are left to fend for themselves. Unfortunately, most either decide to avoid politics or become a ‘shark’ feeding off the success of others. Fortunately there is another way to respond. Become politically savvy.

We hope you can take a little time to discover for yourself the value of the Political Savvy Advantage™!

Want to learn more about how to advance your career without sacrificing values or ethics? Go to

Political Savvy™ Research Findings on Organizational Politics

Abstract: Investigations into Organizational Politics: 1974-2006

In total ~11,000 people have been subjects. The major focus is on its nature, structure, and dynamics, particularly the personal success attributes related to dealing with politics. Other themes focused upon the intersection of organizational politics and leadership, effects of politics on innovation and systemic sources of political behavior.

The heart of these investigations was two key organizational studies which when combined contained ~ 6900 subjects in 9 organizations across multiple industries. Sponsors in the organizations aimed at creating a subject pool representing a microcosm of their company.

Each core study had, at minimum, the following elements: a.) subjects nominated by co-workers, b.) multi rater criteria: each subject had at least three raters who knew the subject, c.) interviews of subjects and raters, d.) internal personnel data: e.g., demographics, performance, and promotion data were linked to subject interview data, e.) dialogue data: compiled after subjects received feedback of the study results, and f.) longitudinal data: biannual follow ups for up to twenty years. Additional sources of subjects resulted from an intervention derived from the two core studies.

The major findings of these two core studies related to the definition, structure, sources, levels, and personal attributes in different structural groupings. The somewhat unexpected definition that emerged was asymmetrical in terms of positive and negative politics.

The major structural groupings for subjects that emerged were the ‘avoiding politics’ group: ~65-80% (this group had three discernable subgroups),‘negative politics’ group: ~15-25% and‘positive politics’ group: ~5-10% of subjects. While people move in and out of the groups. The group structure remained fairly stable.

Main attributes of each group were compiled in categories of mindset, behaviors, and success factors. The most significant mindset difference was the ‘rational systems’ view of the avoidance group and the ‘human systems’ view of the two active political groups.

There was also a major mindset difference between the two active political groups. There was the win-lose, non ethical, upward focus, self interest, competitive, personal gain mindset of the negative politics group, versus the win-win, ethical, organization focus, enlightened self interest, collaborative, best interests of the business mindset of the positive politics group.

In terms of behavioral differences, major ones included the high networking and constant small risking taking of the positive politics group versus the relatively low networking and risk avoidance of both other groups.

The positive politics group had the higher innovation success rates and higher success factor indicators in terms of performance, and promotion. They were more likely to be viewed as leaders than the other two groups.

There were not any major distinguishing factors between the positive politics group and the avoidance group in terms of personality, interpersonal skill, and intelligence. Positive politics seemed to be an ability possessed by most people.

Negative politics did seem to involve an interpersonal skill in terms of manipulative skills such as of impression management in influencing both how they were perceived and how potential rivals were perceived.

Several systemic sources giving rise to organization politics emerged. The most embedded was internal competition resulting from functional or divisional sub optimization.

The common practice of allocating goals when resources and highly valued rewards are scarce was seen as the key impetus for the sub optimization and resulting internal competition. Other systematic sources included generational dynamics and cultural or informal organization misalignment with the official hierarchy. All together the result is an organization where much of the energy is going into internal friction rather than serving clients and shareholders.

The dominant rational systems paradigm operating as a rational meritocracy is both expected by employees and supported by the organization. ’Officially’ politics is considered dysfunctional and in most organizations politics doesn’t officially exist. Yet, the practical limitations of the rational systems paradigm actually acted as a major factor in creating the existence, structure, sources, and dynamics of organizational politics that organizations are trying to avoid.

Given the unanticipated finding that most people already seemed to possess the basic ability to practice positive politics but didn’t use it, an intervention was crafted to embody the key findings of these investigations. It was tested with over 10,000 people; ~3200 of these participated in follow up impact studies.

Results indicate that ~ 70% of avoidance group members shifted toward the positive politics mindset with that number declining to where it stabilized at ~30% after about five years, which is about triple the normal percentage of active political savvy workers.

Based on the results of these investigations, a theory of organizational politics is proposed and is in a separate document. It ends with a more functional view of organizational politics and the steps that organizations can take to attain it.

Want to learn more about how to advance your career without sacrificing values or ethics? Go to

Ethical Organizational Politics for current and future organizations leaders

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Dirty Politics vs. Political Savvy
How to do Organizational Politics the Right Way!

There certainly is a dirty side to office politics with brown-nosing, backstabbing, glory-hogging and outright lying can usually be found somewhere in most offices. The key to a successful career is to maintain a good reputation and maintain your integrity while building relationships.

One of the underlying ideas behind the Political Savvy Advantage™ is that it's about moving from a self interest to an enlightened self interest perspective. You want to build your reputation in the organization as a fair and decent player that looks for win-win solutions benefiting the organization overall. Self interest is much more short term: You hit me, and I'll hit you back.

What gives office politics a bad name is employees thinking that only the dishonest, backstabbing, conniving managers will succeed. There are a lot of really good, decent, frustrated people who are stuck. The only people they see doing the influence stuff are the Machiavellian shark types.

(Machiavelli, was the one who argued that rulers should have a reputation for being stingy, know how to be deceitful, and have no mercy for the weak or inactive players ... Haven't we all had bosses who demonstrate those qualifications?)

But Machs won't survive for long if workers with integrity enter the political arena as well. It's hard for a Mach to challenge a politically savvy individual. For the most part, Machs are out for themselves, so their networks are often not that large. A politically savvy person with a good reputation lower down can outmaneuver a Machiavellian.

Most organizations try to build relationships with their clients, Political savvy individuals build relationships all around them.

Successfully playing office politics requires you to join a group -- sign up with a party, basically. (Although your officemates would probably not appreciate being referred to as Whig or Bull Moose.) If you're trying to get something done in the office, you need to be able to go to co-workers as well as people elsewhere in the organization on an informal basis. Politically savvy individuals are as comfortable working in the informal organization as well as the formal hierarchy.

You don't need to brown nose or do anything you are not interested in, like going to your bosses kids concert, most people have enough diverse interests that we can make that connection at work and beyond with comfort and integrity.

An important tip is that administrative professionals represent one of the most powerful sources of information and influence for anyone wanting to have the impact of those considered to be politically savvy.

Organization Politics is just like any other form of politics: People who can be trusted tend to do better, at least in the long run, than those who cut corners. The higher your reputation, the more influence you have in the organization. People want to work for those that are seen as ethical players, because that's where their careers lie.

If you're going to have integrity and form strong relationships, you have to use your political relationships for the good of the company, not for your own benefit. The more you're seen as operating ethically, the more your word is your bond, the more people can count on you. The idea is not to be about your career. Be about something the organization cares about.

Most of the time if you work to make your boss successful your team and organization will have success. The way that you get valued is to really be committed to being part of a team, and build strong relationships.

Again, enlightened self interest is a better way to win the sweeter life by being known as a fair player, to have a better reputation, to have my idea accepted instead of yours and get promoted.


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Sample Case Study Using the Political Savvy Advantage™

A government agency who requested anonymity, as most organizations do when providing specific examples, developed a Management Succession Program with the following Quotes and Results:

“As with most other organizations, rapid changes in technology had altered the rules of the game, and there was a new and very different kind of need to think about products not in isolation, but in the context of many other, hugely complex, systems.” …

“The ‘silo effect’ was also playing out. Think of a silo with internal barriers built in so that information travels only a short distance up or down, even within a particular workgroup. ... Even with my own awareness of the problem, I was somewhat startled that participants worked through the projects and made their recommendations without first consulting higher-level managers and stakeholders.” …

“… the first of two critical books used in the program: Political Savvy, by Joel DeLuca. DeLuca writes about the ‘rational block,’ the usually mistaken belief that a logical, objectively-better idea will win out. In the world of hard sciences, with a workforce comprised of scientists, engineers, logisticians, analysts, computer specialists, and technicians, it is not difficult to see why there might be a bias towards the “better-idea-wins” assumption. DeLuca also emphasizes the importance of concepts such as coalition-building and a clear-eyed understanding of the reality and inevitability of organizational politics. Politics is not a bad word in this context, but an acknowledgment of how human beings work every day, virtually everywhere. DeLuca writes about the need for ‘ethically building a critical mass of support for an idea you care about’.”...

“Learning about such approaches, the trainees came to understand many different perspectives on their own ideas, projects, and work. I’m now confident that they have developed a broader perspective. So the point here is that the breadth of experience required is becoming more and more a central issue. We have to be broad thinkers in how we approach problem solving and implement systems. The new management just has to think differently—has to think across a wide spectrum, has to understand business practices, has to understand the technical work, and have to know how to integrate all these pieces.”

“In addition to making Political Savvy required reading, the program also built in time for the trainees to interact with senior management on actual workplace projects. From mentoring to reality checks to building political savvy, this communication toppled the barriers within the silos.” …

“The other thing we wanted to do was to get a program that had a lot of interaction between the senior management and the participants, so their ability to work on real organization problems and get out and try to validate their solutions with senior management was extremely important to us. They begin to network, they begin to understand how senior management thinks, and they get to function in some real-life situations. Of course, such interactions also lay the groundwork for participants to better understand the realities of senior leadership positions.” …

“Taking a page out of the Political Savvy book, I realized the entire endeavor might not be supported by the rest of the leadership team, so I took steps to avoid that...”

Results: "I conceded the difficulty of a classic, mathematically valid measure of return on investment (ROI), a measure that is often elusive in management and leadership development programs. However, I pointed to a number of tangible, real results of the program, even before it reaches completion. It has opened up new opportunities with our present customers. From a qualitative point of view, there will be less downtime when key employees leave. I see shorter learning curves for the participants when they assume these key positions, which means a smoother transition to the next generation of leaders. Moreover, several of the participants already have attained more important positions in our management team. So I certainly think there’s a qualitative ROI for this."

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"I began using Political Savvy as a coaching tool several years ago and find it equally applicable to first time managers and senior executives."

Anita Jensen. Ph.D.,
Vice President Executive Development, Citibank

"The principles from this book have been essential in helping our MBA students understand how to become impact players in their own organizations, no matter what level they are at."

Stewart Friedman, Ph.D., Founding Director of the
Leadership Program, Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania

"Political Savvy gave me great ideas on how to go about doing what I'm trying to acheive, which is for us (BMC Software) to do business in another way. It gave me the necessary information on how to sell your idea within your own company to gain support and how to execute your plan."

Bill Griffin, Senior Manager - Emerging Markets
BMC Software

"Political Savvy helped me because I have a tendency to be very direct ... and it doesn't always work. I'm in the financial unit and responsible for making a profit. It solidified the fact that you do need to work through other people. It brought it home to me - you need to have others help others all for the benefit of the company."

Phyllis H. Geans, Manager,
Business & Operations Support, Entergy Texas

"Political Savvy has been very helpful because my team carries out a lot of change (IT Support Services). It helps identify who we should talk to and ways to communicate that change within our organization."

Sheila W. Green, Director of IT Support Services
Cardinal Health

"Understanding the perceptions and reluctance many have to being Politically Savvy has been tremendously beneficial to myself and my team. Dr. DeLuca's insight regarding how facts that support a new idea are 'Necessary but not sufficient' speaks volumes to the work that my team does at NASA. There are a wealth of great ideas at NASA with supporting facts to justify them, but they are not sufficient to take them beyond the idea stage. It takes Political Savvy to understand how the idea supports the NASA mission."

Stephen A. Gonzalez, Project Manager

"I think tolerance.....tolerance in listening to all sides of the story. Sometimes we don't understand the big picture not knowing that we don't and that there are many sides to consider. I think you need to get all the information."

Denise Kelley, Manager, Simulation & Tool SW Dev.,
Command & Control Software Dev., International Space Station
The Boeing Company

"DeLuca has created a smooth flowing work that delivers what it promises: a systematic approach to being an effective, ethical, behind-the-scenes leader. Must reading for the savvy and unsavvy, alike"

Stern's HR Management Review

Named as one of the ten best career books of the decade.

New York Post 2000

I wish I had this book early in my career... It's the first gift I gave my youngest son before he took a job after graduating from college, and I gave copies to my two older sons, as well.

Judge Richard Klein
Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia

Political Savvy is the single best book I've read on the human side of leading change. Many of my clients have benefited from Joel's pragmatic approach to making change happen.

Robert Bruce Shaw, Ph.D., Managing Principle,
Princeton MCG Consulting Author of Trust in the Balance, 1998

An excellent book for new and experienced managers alike. It takes readers beyond the negative stereotypes of organizational politics and shows them how to get involved in making changes in their organizations.

Stephen Stumpf, Ph.D.
Dean of Professional Development, Booze-Allen & Hamilton, Inc.

The class sessions based upon the book were such a hit in our Management of Technology program for engineers that we have now incorporated it permanently into the curriculum. This is a must read for all practicing technologists, engineers and scientists.

Dwight L. Jaggard, Ph.D., Associate Dean, Graduate Education & Research,
School of Engineering and Applied Science,
University of Pennsylvania

“[FC Recommends Political Savvy: A Systematic Approach to Leadership Behind the Scenes, by Joel DeLuca.] A step by step manual for exercising influence beyond your authority. “

Fast Company Magazine, April/May 1998

“If you are already savvy, this book will help you fine tune your style and if you are not the approach, strategy and tactics discussed will give you the means to improve your odds in the political jungle. I give Political Savvy 5 Stars."

Audra Poole
Charleston Regional Business Journal

"Joel DeLuca provides a wonderful case for recognizing human nature, and making a positive change in one’s outlook…"

Faculty Member of

"The book is loaded with insight and strategy that can be applied immediately. The structure of the book includes stories for the right-brained reader and strong conceptual details with charts, graphs, and maps for the left-brained reader.”

Deanna Bryce, LeaderStrength Systems, Inc.

“ presents an excellent set of actions/behaviors that would collectively further anyone’s leadership or organizational agenda, and I really appreciate the straightforward writing…”

Barbara Beizer
Learning & Leadership Development
Freddie Mac

“I have just retired after 32 years in a major Fortune 10 company and I have to commend Joel DeLuca on the excellence of his book. I think the tools he provides are of outstanding practical value and highly useable on a day to day basis. But I think his emphasis on the ethical nature of savvy work is critical. His description of Machs or Machiavellis who seek power only for its own sake to advance themselves, is extremely realistic, convincing and a challenge to principle people to take back organization politics from the pecking order obsessives and make organizations avowed purposed a central guiding light.”

Reader from

"You have been tremendously helpful to me… thank you for the time and guidance you have offered. As a result - my meeting with the client was very successful." "…the most compelling part…was pertaining to the ability to create the organization's political map - having a simple framework to think through the list of the stakeholders and clearly assess who is in the game of influencing."

Edyta Pacuk, MICA

“During the course of my career, I have worked in every size organization from the federal government to major corporations to small businesses - some of these with seemingly little politics and others as political as they come. No matter what size organization you are in, I would recommend that you put Political Savvy on your "must read" list. How often do workers, whether they are managers or worker bees, find themselves unable to move ahead because they are blocked by organization politics?” … ”This book can make leaders and winners of almost everyone. Political Savvy has many practical ideas and tools to let all of us move through those politically sensitive situations without making our colleagues feel we've stepped on their toes. You don't have to be a "shark" to get ahead and there are ways of even using "shark repellent." The book is a great tool for making the impact you want and gaining career success. It's a quick read though you may want to read it again and again. Don't skip the beginning chapters because they explore some of the basic terms you will find invaluable once you get to the proven techniques used by the politically savvy.”

Vicki Weiss - Amazon Review

"I consider you [Joel DeLuca] a seminal thinker in leadership and organizational development - I can't tell you how often and how much I refer to your 'organizational mapping' concept."

John Baldoni, Author
How Great Leaders Get Great Results

…”I’ve given these books to the Head of the Investment Banking division and the Head of HR.” {company name withheld} …”is a politically intense, at times ruthless, environment, the book has been very helpful for coaching clients on how to navigate the politics in an authentic, ethical way.” 

Carlos R., VP

 “Anyone involved in the leadership aspect of the business world would do well to read Political Savvy. It provides a fruitful strategy for survival in a macrocosmic world of never ending change and chaos. These winds of change have created a frontier of challenges and work environments that, before this time, never existed. The practice of Political Savvy can really make a difference in the effectiveness of an organization. It's excellent reading for anyone serious about surviving in the corporate world. A ten star book!”

Amazon Reader, Kate - Las Vegas

“Political Savvy will help you ride the corporate rapids” … “Deluca helps us see the political landscape of organizational life very clearly and positively. The key for all of us to understand, which Deluca points out expertly in this book, is that "political" is not a four-letter word - and is not necessarily synonymous with "devious", "selfish" or "deceitful"! It's O.K to want to have influence - most of us do! The key is what is your motivation and how you go about it. Most of us have good intentions that our organizations would applaud, but we are appallingly lacking in the ability to carry through. Political Savvy is a wonderful lesson in understanding that organizations are inhabited by people - and with a little strategizing and planning, we have the ability to influence them - and, therefore, become "impact players" in our organizations!

Mantonu - A Reader on Amazon

 “A profound and informative look into the corporate mindset of today. An ethical approach to the spirit that dominates a workplace. For anyone interested in surviving in the corporate world this book is "A Must." It is a handbook for success in the often frustrating and chaotic world of the corporation. I am grateful for the valuable insight it has given me. I found it, not only enjoyable reading, but most valuable as well. My gratitude to Dr. Deluca for a very worthwhile and informative creation!”

William F. - Henderson, NC

“Political Savvy is a "must read" for anyone who has ever thought or been told that office "politics" are bad and to be avoided at all costs! Dr. Deluca provides wonderful insight into managing the "machs" and the bosses, that most of us in large organizations have encountered, who must win at all costs. By providing the rationality of the actors in organizational dramas, the book provides practical, easy-to-use methods that enable the reader to increase the probability of creating "win/win" situations that are ethical and satisfying. The book is a permanent tool on my office bookshelf and I have given a copy to one of my friends and another to one of my co-workers!”

Mike M. – Havertown, PA

“A must for corporate managers at all levels” … “This book touches the wellspring of success in relationships in corporate entities. The blend of understanding dynamics and learning practical skills makes this book one I will return to many times for personal grounding and for teaching others in my work.”

Reader on Amazon

“Mr. DeLuca has written a wonderfully insightful manual for success in the work place. A lightning fast and enjoyable read, this book will soften the battle scarred heart of even the most jaded and cynical Dilbert fans. The topic is the politics of the workplace, which is undoubtedly the leading cause of employee dissatisfaction everywhere. Joel DeLuca provides a wonderful case for recognizing human nature, and making a positive change in one's outlook to cherish the irrationality of the human organization that presently causes so much frustration and angst for the vast majority." ... "This book provides some practical relief from the pressure of organizational politics, as well as a toolkit to help the reader participate in the workings in a proactive and benevolent way. This book is the culmination of a very sincere scientific investigation, presented in a manner that is not overly academic."

Pat O'Reilly – New York City

“Political Savvy was among a handful of the most insightful, and eye opening business books I've read. It answers the age old question of how do I get results while doing the right thing. The counter-intuitive approach is brilliant; more so, after reading the book, I've tried the concepts and they are right on target!”

Robert Reiss
President, Reissource - New York City

“…this has been by far one of the most popular books with my MBA students. DeLuca presents useful and practical approaches to becoming and ethical political player in organizations. Too long the subject has been viewed as dirty, taboo. DeLuca brings politics out of the closet and gives readers practical tools for understanding their own political styles and how to work ethically and effectively with others.”

Professor Chris Poulson
CSU Pomona – Claremont, CA

“This book really impressed me, and I am in business 35 years in New York City. Politics is a necessary fact in business although many business people will deny this. Joel Deluca emphasizes this and takes the position that within the politics of organizations the ethical principles that drive individual behavior in large measure also drives the outcome. He very astutely identifies a range of personality types and then proceeds to illustrate how effective genuinely ethical business tactics are to advancing individual goals as well as those of the business.

This book should be required study for business school students. I have seen business to business relations go from a handshake is a deal to contracts, in many cases, are not good enough to insure compliance with agreements. Relations among co-workers within organizations, the focus of the book, has not faired better as people spend far more time protecting their job or complicating other's job, than advancing the collective interests of the enterprise. Ethics, in the current business climate are, for the most part, not much more than the expedient adjustments among conflicting interests and justice then becomes substantially in the interests of the strong. Political Savvy powerfully illustrates, with real world examples, that such an understanding of ethics in business is ultimately ineffectual and that unyielding ethical behavior is really the winning strategy.

Highly recommended to anyone interested in sustained advancement in a business career.”

Eric Wood
President - Voice Factory International

For anyone interested in surviving in the corporate world this book is "A Must." It is a handbook for success in the often frustrating and chaotic world of the corporation. I am grateful for the valuable insight it has given me.

William Furman

“The blend of understanding dynamics and learning practical skills makes this book one I will return to many times for personal grounding and for teaching others in my work.”

Reader on Amazon

“At last, a thoroughly researched, user-friendly, step-by-step guide to becoming a political savvy manager…This [book] tells executives what to do, starting tomorrow morning, to overcome these problems and make constructive change happen.” Our [MBA] students swear by it. So will you.”

Marta Mooney
Fordham University Professor
Graduate School of Business

"I’m a student at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Graduate School attending their 2005/2006 Executive Leadership course. Part of my growth and development is to read three books on leadership based on what my identified weaknesses. Needless to say I was very weak on Office Politics or Political Savvy strengths. I selected your book out of hundreds I could have read to help me with my political savvy and I must say I have learned a lot in last several weeks just from reading your book. In fact I’m not sure why Office Politics or Political Savvy courses are not required in college, this is the kind of stuff that is really needed if one is to advance in the work place and or get things accomplished. For too long, I believed that key decisions were made by intelligent rational individuals. I see now that may not be the case. I’m proud to say now after reading your book, I’ve gone from an “F” to at least “C”, it is my hope that in the next 12 months I can apply some of the concepts and strategies and apply them to my situation and become a more political savvy employee. Great book and thanks for educating me."

Clyde Reid

"[The Political Savvy book] me a practical way to map my environment. I was really becoming a cynic of beating my head against the system. I work in the government and there tends to be more bureaucracy to break through but I need to learn to survive in this environment because I’ve been here too long to branch out into non-government environment. I see your book as showing the big picture on getting your change ideas implemented. I have never been really good with people and felt reassured that only have strong interpersonal skills don’t help you in this process. I know I need to become better with people skills but this book gives me the focus I need to know who to try to influence."

Louis Reid, Project Lead, Quality Production & Logistics, US Navy

Testimonials From Organizational Politics Seminars ... the Political Savvy Way

“The topic of this book, Political Savvy, drew a surprising amount of interest. We had over two hundred requests from a variety of organisations who wanted to attend the seminar. It was unfortunate that we had to limit attendance, especially as the seminar was so well received.

Dr. Stephen Gans
London Institute for Management Studies

“I was very much looking forward to the Political Savvy Presentation. It looked like information that I’ve been looking for my entire professional life. The session certainly lived up to my expectations.” … “I believe the work you [Joel DeLuca] are doing is so very much needed in the world of today. It fosters right human relations. It is my hope, as I’m sure it is yours, that it helps to create what we all wish for – a kinder, gentler environment in which all feel safe to live and love.” [The Political Savvy book is] “Cogent and well written”

Eva Simonsen, President
Prudential-Roseland, IAAP Chapter

"Just wanted to let you know the political savvy piece of our session went VERY well. After the three days we received a standing ovation and I must say it is due to the quality of the political savvy information." … "We are swamped with business…"

Mark Rodgers

"I thought your talk on "Political Savvy" was extremely interesting and well done. In addition to being on the board of ASTD-SCC, I am a member of the Connecticut chapter of the National Speakers Association. That organization has exposed me to many fine speakers, and I think that you are among the best I've seen. Your enthusiasm, content knowledge, and facilitation technique made for an engaging evening. If any of my clients have a need for an executive coach or leadership training, I would recommend you."

Alice Stitelman, Ph.D.
ASTD Presentation June 2005

"The major value I received from the Political Savvy Seminar was understanding that politically savvy individuals are not necessarily political, but rather ethical and take the opportunity to relationships across all departments within an organization. The true political savvy individual never compromises ethics to justify a means to an end."

Kelly Morrison, Internal Customer Support Manager
Cardinal Health

"Recently, I attended a seminar on Political Savvy by Joel DeLuca which was one of the most informative on the topic of organizational politics that I have ever had the pleasure of being a participant."

Alex Brewer, Lloyds TSB Bank,
London, England

“The Political Savvy Seminar was of particular value to me because I was able to distinguish between the three levels – those that play above board, those in the middle, and those below. And I was able to learn how to work with those in the middle without compromising my values and ethics.” 

VP Citigroup - Europe

“The evening was profound, the learning impactful…We know that the information will contribute in assisting many of us as internal and external consultants in the organizations we serve.” “…we learned a lot about learning how to strategize and influence while keeping it ethical, above board and maintaining one’s self esteem. Joel helped shift our mindset.”

Organizer, Philadelphia Region Organization Development Network

“I will be presenting a session [on professional ethics and believe] Joel DeLuca’s Ethics is Power baker’s dozen [principles] would be a perfect compliment to my presentation"

Earl Johnson

“I wish I had this earlier in my career.”

Leslie Margolis, President
Network of Women in Computing Technology

“immediately applicable to my job…very realistic.”

Attendees at Bell Atlantic Executive Education program

“I would like to thank you for last week’s training on Political Savvy at our Annual Conference. All the feedback was extremely positive, the event was very successful!” 

VP, Citibank

“I very much enjoyed the presentation. I find that Dr. DeLuca’s tips will be very helpful to me in coaching my female clients who are very hesitant to be ‘political’.” 

Maribeth D. Renne
Internationally Certified Career Management Professional

“On behalf of the NWCT, I would like to thank you for joining us this past Tuesday Evening and delivering such a powerful presentation. We received such tremendous feedback from our members who found your presentation to be fun, enthusiastic and a true eye opener on how we choose to work with others.” 

Pamela Finnerty
Business Development
Network of Women in Computer Technology

“On behalf of the Network of Women in Computer Technology, I would like to thank you and Vicki Weiss for a most thorough and informative presentation on the dynamics of power and politics. The way everyone was able to participate was an enjoyable and added bonus. The workshop helped us to understand much better what skills we need to become politically savvy. You were both outstanding and the members of NWCT truly benefited from your presentation.” 

Evelyn Fair – Program Committee
Network of Women in Computer Technology

“The audience was thrilled to hear you, David and Connie {the other panelists} discuss this intriguing topic.” … “We have had rave reviews and several people have mentioned that they are running out and buying your book.”

Alice C. & Sophie Kaufmann- Political Savvy Women, Power & Politics Panel
FWA Professional Development and Leadership Committee

Other Comments from audience members at this FWA event:

“what a wonderful event, timely, relevant, and so very useful”

“a thrilling evening”

“Joel was absolutely sensational and provided unique, helpful insight and strategies into the corporate/executive world that we all face as women.”


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